Boba Tea Lounge - A Super Friendly Lounge

 Boba Tea Lounge is located in DuPont Circle, Washington, DC. Simple, popular place doling out sweets & milkshakes with kids, and freshly brewed tea made with kids. If you love tea, this is the place for you! The atmosphere is very jovial, and the staff is very helpful. There are often children, so it is always a good idea to take your children with you into the kitchen.

If I had to rate the food at Boba Tea Lounge, I would give it five stars. The buffet, especially the chicken kebabs, is really good. My daughter absolutely loves the chicken kebabs, and the lavender hot sticky popcorn is always a treat. I also like their cold milk shakes, which are quite good, and the potato crisps are quite tasty as well. The thing I don't like is when there are too many people in there, and everyone seems to be ordering dessert as well as anything else.

The atmosphere of Boba Tea Lounge is actually rather nice, despite its somewhat modern looking surroundings. It's not too loud or stuffy, and the staff are very helpful. The only real downfall is that they serve drinks like soda, but they don't really serve good tasting non caffeinated drinks like you'd find at a place like Crassol. If they didn't have this type of stuff in their menu, I'd probably go there just for the coffee and muffins, and nothing else.

While I was there, I also tried the banana shake, which was rather dry, and I'm used to these types of shakes. Overall, Boba Tea Lounge is a decent place to grab a drink, sit back and unwind. I would recommend trying the cappuccino, which I had the misfortune of trying recently. This drink clocks in at three dollars, which is about average. The prices at the tables are higher than most places, but that's not necessarily a negative since the drinks themselves are worth the price.

A few weeks ago, I decided to try Boba Tea Lounge's version of the Original Iced American Drink. This version is a frozen treat with baby powder and has a rather delicious taste. To me, it tastes better than the original frozen drink I've had twice before. The banana is a bit stronger than the one in the Original, but I didn't notice a difference in the taste between the two. In fact, I actually prefer the Original over the frozen drink.

The other thing I'd love to try out at Boba Tea Lounge is their version of the Potted Plant Milk Tea. I've always had a soft spot for the Potted Plant Milk Tea from Bamboo Garden. When I went to check out Boba Tea Lounge, I got the opportunity to try out their version with the banana and caffeine. This beverage was rather delicious and had just the right amount of caffeine in it for me. It wasn't too strong, but I definitely enjoy the tea that has a hint of caffeine in it.

While the Boba Tea Lounge is a super friendly spot to take your friends and have a good time, you might want to consider going somewhere else if they don't do alcohol or have any alcohol on tap. My friends and I like to take advantage of the free drink offers that the Boba Tea Lounge has on occasion. If you go there a couple of times a month, you'll get a nice refund each time, and you can also get your drinks for a very cheap price. For the price that they charge, I find it hard to believe that they make any extra money by having drink specials, but they sure make some money by it.

The Boba Tea Lounge is located at 4th Avenue and 47th Street, New York City. I would definitely go back if I were in New York City today, and I would definitely buy a cup of the bobabeverage I've been wanting to try. In fact, I might just order them when I see them on sale because I plan on enjoying them a lot more than they are currently. 


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